Don’t Dump! What to Do With Household Hazardous Waste

With spring cleaning just around the corner, many residents will encounter leftover paint, chemicals, solvents, and automotive fluids that they may not know how to dispose of. These items should never be dumped down the storm drain or in the street because they go directly to our streams, rivers, lakes, and water supplies. There are safer ways to dispose of hazardous household chemicals and automotive fluids that do not threaten our water quality or public health.

Please visit to find out how to recycle or dispose of your items.

In an effort to prevent household hazardous waste contamination, Clermont County and the Adams-Clermont Solid Waste District have worked hard to make the disposal of household hazardous waste more convenient for county residents. Disposing of old motor oil, brake or transmission fluid, and antifreeze can be tough. The good news is that residents can bring these used fluids, at no cost, to the Fleet Management garage, located on Filager Road just off SR 222 north of Batavia. These items are accepted Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Other hazardous household chemicals such as paints, thinners, and solvents can also be disposed of properly. Unused latex paint can be left open in the container until dry, then disposed of in general waste. There are also local outlets for other materials, such as tires, car batteries, nickel-cadmium batteries, propane tanks and more. You can search for disposal or recycling locations at

If no local outlets are available, the Solid Waste District will issue Clermont residents a voucher, which allows them to take the material to Environmental Enterprises on Spring Grove Avenue in Cincinnati and the District will pay the disposal fee. To obtain a voucher, or for more information on Solid Waste District programs, call (513) 732-7894 x3.