2023 Spring Litter Cleanup

2023 Spring Litter Cleanup volunteers at Clepper Park

The 2023 spring litter clean-up event was held on Saturday, April 22, in-person clean-ups at various sites across Clermont County and the East Fork Little Miami River watershed. Over 230 volunteers participated and collected a combined 310 bags of trash that morning.

The Litter Cleanup event is coordinated each year by the Clermont Soil and Water Conservation District and partially supported with a grant from Ohio EPA, Division of Recycling and Litter Prevention.

We truly appreciate the support from our event sponsor, the Southern Ohio Association of Realtors (SOAR). Thank you also to our partnering agencies and organizations, including the Adams/Clermont Soil Waste District, Clermont County Park District, Clermont Office of Public Information, Ohio Department of Natural Resources—Divisions of Parks and Watercraft, and the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers.

K-12 Spring Litter Cleanup logo design contest winners