Join us for a Pasture Walk!

Please join us for this free event!

Dinner will be provided for those who RSVP before Tuesday September 3rd. Call or email Amanda Best to RSVP (513-260-9116,

The Clermont Conservation District along with Pheasants forever, NRCS, and OSU Extension Clermont County are hosting a pasture walk at Steve Phillip’s Farm (2235 Bethel Maple Rd.) September 10th 6:00pm- 8:00 pm.

Come take a walk with us through a warm season grass pasture as we discuss how to best establish and manage pastures and offer information on current pasture related programs.

Joining us on our walk are Dr. Marília Chiavegato, an Assistant Professor of Agroecosystem Management for Food System Resilience at the Ohio State University and Jason Jones, Pheasants Forever’s Farm Bill Biologist for Southern Ohio.

Please contact us by 9/3/2024 if you need any special accommodations to attend this event

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