Tire Disposal Event

The Adams-Clermont Solid Waste District is hosting a scrap tire collection event on Friday, September 13 and Saturday, September 14, 2024 at the Clermont County Fairgrounds in Owensville from 8AM – 2PM during both days. Residents are encouraged to take advantage of this service to rid their property of accumulated tires which are not only unsightly, but can pose an environmental and potential health risk.

The following disposal fees will be collected in cash at the time of unloading:

Participants should separate on-rim tires and off-rim tires in advance for ease of disposal.

During the event, traffic can enter the fairgrounds and follow posted signs to the tire drop-off site. Residents may be responsible for unloading tires. Tires must originate from a Clermont County household. Tires accumulated by private companies (auto dealers or repair shops, trucking companies, etc.) during the course of business are not allowed. A max of 10 tires per resident will be accepted unless prior arrangements are made with the Adams-Clermont Solid Waste District.

This event is being entirely funded by the Adams-Clermont Solid Waste District. For additional information visit www.OEQ.net, email dsnyder@ClermontCountyOhio.gov or call (513)732-7744.