This May, Clermont Soil and Water Conservation District is partnering with the Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Regional Council of Governments and Taking Root to distribute free trees to landowners in the Bethel area. The distribution is made possible by funding received through an Urban Forestry grant provided by the Ohio Division of Forestry.
A key requirement of the grant is that trees must be planted within the “Lower Income and Disadvantaged Community” (LIDAC) area. Residents can find out if they are eligible by going to OKI’s Tree for Me tool (, clicking on “Active Tree Distributions” and entering their address. If a property is eligible, the owner can then select the species of trees he or she would like, and use the tool to select an appropriate location on the property for the tree. Trees will be provided on a first come-first served basis (275 total trees are available)
Multiple tree species will be provided to increase tree canopy diversity in the Bethel area. All species distributed will be non-ALB host species including oaks, beech, basswood and more. All trees will be in 7-gallon containers, and approximately 1-1½ inches in diameter. Trees will be available for pickup on Friday, May 10 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and on Saturday, May 11 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the Village of Bethel maintenance garage, 139 South Charity Street (enter from Tower Alley). Those receiving trees will be required to sign a non-binding maintenance pledge when picking them up.
For more information about the tree distribution event, contact the Clermont Soil & Water Conservation District at (513) 732-7075 ext. 4, or email