Tire Disposal Event

The Adams-Clermont Solid Waste District is hosting a scrap tire collection event on Friday, September 13 and Saturday, September 14, 2024 at the Clermont County Fairgrounds in Owensville from 8AM – 2PM during both days. Residents are encouraged to take advantage of this service to rid their property of accumulated tires which are not only unsightly, but can pose an environmental and potential health risk.

The following disposal fees will be collected in cash at the time of unloading:

  • $1.00 for car/SUV/light truck/trailer/ATV tires
  • $10.00 for commercial-type vehicle tires (semi tractor-trailers, dump trucks, etc.)
  • $20.00 for tractor tires (cut in half if >60″ in diameter)

Participants should separate on-rim tires and off-rim tires in advance for ease of disposal.

During the event, traffic can enter the fairgrounds and follow posted signs to the tire drop-off site. Residents may be responsible for unloading tires. Tires must originate from a Clermont County household. Tires accumulated by private companies (auto dealers or repair shops, trucking companies, etc.) during the course of business are not allowed. A max of 10 tires per resident will be accepted unless prior arrangements are made with the Adams-Clermont Solid Waste District.

This event is being entirely funded by the Adams-Clermont Solid Waste District. For additional information visit www.OEQ.net, email dsnyder@ClermontCountyOhio.gov or call (513)732-7744.

School Supply Recycling Program

This spring, seven schools in Clermont County participated in our School Supply Recycling program. We provided schools with bins to collect items like writing supplies, notebooks, binders, folders, scissors, glue, and more. In total, we received almost 1000 pounds of school supplies!

Next, we will be sorting donations and get everything either donated to our community partners or recycled. In the past, we have worked with NEST Community Learning Center, Boys & Girls Club, and the Cincinnati Recycling and Reuse Hub. If you would like to get your school/organization involved with donating or receiving school supplies, contact Elea Cooper at ecooper@clermontcountyohio.gov

Holiday Lights Recycling

The Adams-Clermont Solid Waste District and Cohen will be teaming up again this year to provide convenient opportunities to recycle those unwanted or non-working decorative string lights. From December 1st to February 1st residents will be able to recycle their traditional or LED-style string lights by dropping them into a specially marked outdoor container (locations listed right).

For more information on this holiday light recycling program call 513-732-7744, email dsnyder@ClermontCountyOhio.gov or visit www.cohenusa.com/lights

Holiday Light Recycling Locations

  • Shor Park: 4659 Tealtown Road Milford, OH 45150 (container is by public restrooms)
  • Sycamore Park: 4082 State Route 132, Batavia OH 45103 (container is by public restrooms)
  • Chilo Lock 34 Park: 521 County Park Rd, Chilo, OH 45112 (Museum and Visitors Center)
  • Clermont Soil & Water Conservation District @ Clermont County Fairgrounds, 1000 Locust St. Owensville, OH 45160 (container is in front of agricultural service center, near gazebo)
  • Pierce Township Service Department: 950 Locust Corner Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45245 (next to public recycling dumpsters)
  • Clermont County Water Resources: 4400 Haskell Lane Batavia, OH 45103
  • Cincinnati Nature Center (CNC members only): 4949 Tealtown Road, Milford, OH 45150 (Rowe Woods Visitor Center)
  • Long Branch Farm & Trails (CNC members only): 6926 Gaynor Road, Goshen OH 45122

Earth Machine Compost Bins Available

When most people hear the word ‘compost’, they automatically think of a smelly pile of moldy food. However, when done correctly, composting does not smell bad and is a sanitary way to dispose of organic waste. There are many excellent reasons to compost and the greater Cincinnati area has numerous resources available to assist you on your composting journey. Composting yard, garden, and food waste at home saves transportation and disposal cost, and provides an environmentally sound way to manage waste, since yard waste makes up to 30% of the municipal solid waste stream.  In addition, composting can provide excellent fertilizer for gardens, yards, and other plants.  Adding compost to your garden will increase drainage and provide a continuous source of nutrients required for plant health.

There are many different ways to start composting and no matter what your restrictions may be, there is a composting method that will work for you. At the most basic level, composting can happen when materials are placed in a mound and left alone. If you want a faster or more contained system, you can consider building or purchasing a composting bin. It is not necessary to have a bin, however, it can make it easier to turn the pile, keep the pile manageable, and remove finished compost. You can make your own bin out of wood or fencing and posts. You can also purchase a compost bin that is an enclosed system which will produce usable compost typically in less than a month. These types of bins include rolling bins, tumblers, enclosed bins, and worm bins. If you are interested in purchasing a composting bin, the Office of Environmental Quality currently has Earth Machine compost bins available for purchase for $46. Contact Hannah Lubbers (513) 732-7894 x 4 or hlubbers@clermontcountyohio.gov for more details.

Composting can be an easy and cost effective way to improve the soil quality in your gardens and help your landscaping thrive. No matter how you choose to compost your organic waste, know that you are doing your part to help reduce the amount of waste that goes to our landfills.