Jennifer Ebbing Named 2021 Cooperator of the Year

Clermont SWCD is pleased to honor Jennifer Ebbing with the District’s 2021 Cooperator of the Year award.  The recipient of this award is selected each year based on the efforts of an individual, group or organization that demonstrates environmental stewardship and works to protect Clermont County’s natural resources.

Jennifer runs Haywire Homestead in Bethel, where self-sustainability has become a family goal. She operates a five-acre farm that sells fresh produce, eggs, Boer goat kids and several breeds of young chickens. Ms. Ebbing has installed several conservation practices on her farm, including a high tunnel to lengthen the growing season for her produce, a heavy use pad to minimize erosion and a variety of pasture practices including a rotational grazing plan put in place for the goats.

The Clermont Soil and Water Conservation District commends Jennifer Ebbing for her stewardship efforts, growing food for her local community while protecting the land and valuable natural resources of the county. Congratulations Jennifer on being named the District’s 2021 Cooperator of the Year.

Pictured above: Commissioner David Painter presents Jennifer Ebbing with a certificate of recognition from the Clermont County Board of Commissioners.