2025 Spring Litter Clean-Up Logo Design Contest

Clermont Soil & Water Conservation District and the Adams-Clermont Solid Waste District are kicking off the 2025 Spring Litter Clean-Up (SLC) event with a Logo Design Contest for local K-12 students. Any K-12 student attending a school located in Clermont County or within the East Fork Little Miami River watershed (including home-schooled students) are eligible to compete. Logo designs should emphasize litter clean-up and prevention. Students can register for the contest through the event website: www.springlittercleanup.com.

The student with the winning design will receive a $100 cash award and an additional $100 gift given to their school art department or local art program. There will also be 13 grade-level awards of $25 each. Entries are due to the Clermont SWCD office by Friday, February 28th, 2025 by 4:00 pm. For more information or questions contact Connie Miller at (513) 732-7075 ext. 2 or cmiller@clermontcountyohio.gov.