Adult Education

Our adult education programs are designed to provide valuable information and hands-on experience in various conservation topics. From workshops and tours to in-depth series, we offer numerous opportunities for you to learn how to protect and preserve our natural resources. Throughout the year, we offer a variety of workshops and tours, such as rain barrel workshops, farm tours, and more. Check our website or follow us on Facebook for the latest updates on upcoming events.

Landowner Conservation Series
Our Landowner Conservation series is a partnership between the Clermont County Soil and Water Conservation District, OSU Extension Office, and Clermont County Park District that gives you ways to practice conservation on and protect your land! Learn more and register here!

Master Rain Gardener Program
The Master Rain Gardener Program is for those looking to make a positive impact on water quality and manage stormwater effectively. Participants will learn how to design, install, and maintain rain gardens that help absorb rainwater, reduce runoff, and filter pollutants. Learn more and register here!