Drainage & Erosion

Residential yard floodingIf you are experiencing soil erosion or drainage issues on your property, use this flow chart to help identify the best organization to contact

If needed, District staff will provide free site evaluations and technical assistance to help landowners and homeowners address drainage and erosion problems around the home and farm. Contact us at 513-732-7075 Ext: 4 for assistance.

Drainage Resources

Look Before You Buy: Drainage Points to Consider When Buying a Home

Clermont County Streambank Maintenance Guide

Ohio Drainage Law – OSU Extension Overview

Ohio Drainage Law – Clermont SWCD Overview

French Drains Fact Sheet

Blind Inlet Fact Sheet

Rock, Gravel and Rip Rap Fact Sheet

Ohio Stream Management Guide – The Ohio Stream Management Guides are fact sheets prepared by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources. The series of Guides covers a variety of watershed and stream management issues and methods of addressing stream related problems.