Answers to questions about local, state and federal storm water regulations and permits can be found in the links listed below.
Clermont County Water Management and Sediment Control Regulations
The Board of Clermont County Commissioners adopted these regulations to establish management and conservation practices which will eliminate or abate soil erosion and degradation of the County’s rivers, streams and lakes from sediment caused by non-farm earth disturbing activities. The WMSC regulations also include design criteria for onsite detention of storm water. The regulations are maintained and enforced by the Clermont County Building Inspection Department.
Clermont County Subdivision Regulations (PDF Document)
The Clermont County Subdivision Regulations, adopted by the Clermont County Commissioners in August 2005, contain several provisions that either directly or indirectly relate to storm water management. The Subdivision Regulations are maintained by the Clermont County Department of Community and Economic Development. Click on the header to access the Subdivision Regulations
Zoning Regulations
Zoning ordinances in Clermont County are addressed at the local (Township or municipal) level. Click here for a list of local zoning administrators and links to local zoning ordinances (where available).
Ohio EPA Phase II Stormwater General Permit
In April 2021, Ohio EPA issued Clermont County and 14 local townships and municipalities its fourth Stormwater General Permit. This permit authorizes the discharge of storm water to the county’s rivers, lakes and streams, provided that six minimum measures are met. These include public education, public involvement, illicit discharge detection and elimination, construction and post-construction runoff control, and pollution prevention. The six minimum measures must be addressed in a Storm Water Management Plan developed and implemented by Clermont County and its partners. The most recent plan was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners in March 2022.
Click on the links below to view Clermont County’s Phase II storm water permit or the County’s Storm Water Management Plan.
Clermont County Phase II Stormwater General Permit (PDF)
Clermont County Storm Water Management Plan (PDF)
Ohio EPA Construction and Industrial Storm Water Permits
Any construction project disturbing one or more acre of ground must obtain a permit from Ohio EPA to discharge storm water from the site. If the project disturbs less than one acre but is part of a larger plan of development or sale, a permit to discharge storm water from the site is still required.
Operators of industrial facilities or sites with activities included in one of 11 categories must obtain coverage under an NPDES industrial storm water permit through Ohio EPA, unless conditionally excluded.
Click here for more detailed information on Ohio EPA’s construction and industrial storm water permits.
Section 401/404 Dredge and Fill Permits
If your site may impact streams or wetland areas, contact the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Huntington District at 304-529-5210.