Reporting Spills and Illicit Discharges

Illegal Dumping
If you are witnessing an illegal dumping in progress please contact 911.

How to Identify Illicit Discharges

Reporting Spills / Illicit Discharges: If in your opinion the spill poses an immediate threat, contact 911.

Specific Agencies to Notify:
Ohio Environmental Protection Agency: Spills Hotline: 800-282-9378  Information on spills to the water, land or air. Be sure to have as much information on hand as possible to provide to Ohio EPA, including location, type of material spilled, amount, & time of spill.

Wellhead Protection Program for Clermont County drinking water. The well fields are located along the Ohio River near New Palestine and along the Little Miami River just east of Miamiville. Should you observe a spill in these areas, please call (513) 553-4113.

Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission (ORSANCO) at (513) 231-7719  For direct spills to the Ohio River