Land Preservation / Balanced Growth

“Sustainability means meeting the needs of today without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs”  Bruntland Report, 1987

Clermont SWCD is committed to working with local communities and individual landowners to implement land use practices and projects that support economic development and natural resource protection.

Land Preservation
There are several options for preserving land so that it will be protected in perpetuity. Conservation easements can be used to protect land that has unique conservation value, whereas agricultural easements are used to preserve farmlands for the sole purpose of perpetuating agricultural production.  Besides agricultural easements, Ohio farmland preservation tools include Current Agricultural Use Valuation (CAUV), Clean Ohio Farmland Preservation Program, and Agricultural Security Area Program. Please see sidebar on right for more land preservation options.

Balanced Growth Plan – Middle East Fork Watershed
Clermont SWCD worked with local communities to develop a Watershed Balanced Growth Plan for the Middle East Fork, a sub-watershed of the East Fork Little Miami River.  Funded through a state grant, the initiative was designed to help growing communities balance development and natural resource protection through regional land use planning.

A local Watershed Planning Partnership (WPP) was formed to oversee the process which resulted in a Balanced Growth Plan that identified areas best suited for development, agriculture, and conservation. These land uses were recommended to the communities. The Balanced Growth Plan is entirely voluntary for communities and individual land owners.  A copy of the Middle East Fork Balanced Growth Plan can be downloaded here (12.9 MB)

The Balanced Growth Plan was endorsed by the local communities in 2012; it offers opportunities for state and local collaboration to encourage well planned development while conserving critical areas across the watershed. Clermont SWCD is working with local communities to implement recommendations included in the Balanced Growth Plan.