Many people mistakenly believe that storm sewers lead to a treatment plant. Rather, storm sewers empty directly into nearby streams without receiving any treatment. Therefore, it is critical that nothing other than storm water goes into a storm drain. To help educate residents about where storm drains empty, Clermont Soil & Water Conservation District has developed colorful storm drain markers that include a No Dumping message and the Ohio EPA toll-free hotline number to call if you see a spill that threatens a nearby stream, river or lake.
Implementation of the Storm Drain Curb Marker Program is simple and efficient. It consists of only three components; the curb markers, adhesive, and the accompanying door hangers. The materials are inexpensive and long lasting. So far, markers have been installed by townships, neighborhood watch groups, homeowners associations, scout troops, and school groups. The colorful plastic markers will last for 10 years or more.
Communities are using this program across the country with great success. Because the program utilizes volunteers working in their own neighborhoods, it helps build a sense of community and pride, along with a sense of ownership in the quality of our water resources. Locally, it has the endorsement of the East Fork Watershed Collaborative, which is an association of local agencies, communities, and conservation organizations committed to protecting and enhancing the quality of the East Fork of the Little Miami River.
If your community or group is interested in implementing this program, and would like assistance in setting it up, please contact the Clermont SWCD via email or by phone at (513) 732-7075.